Oxford, NC Historic Preservation Commission
2010 Approved Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) Applications
2-18-2010 Mr. Robert Williams, 206 Gilliam St.—Place pre-built Amish tool shed in back yard; all wood; painted white
2-18-2010 Ms. Jean Jones—Repair of crumbling chimney
2-18-2010 Ms. LaVerne Pope, 213 College ST.—Trellis added to front of double garage doors, all wood, painted white
4-15-2010 Dawn & Clarence Lemons, 304 Main St.—Enclose existing pergola on back of house and make screen porch with roof
4-15-2010 Jaye & Rebecca Williamson, 513 College St.—Replace storage shed damaged by fallen tree with wooden one to be painted to match the house; old brick from damaged shed to be used as foundation for new shed
5-4-2010 Robert and Elizabeth Williams, 208 Gilliam St.—Hardiplank allowed on rear of house, but not on front of house
6-24-2010 Kim Rackley Booth (Marion Falding-Property Owner), 100 E. Front St.—Install 6’ privacy fence around backyard with 1” x 6” x 6’ wooden dog eared style boards
6-24-2010 John and Debbie Smith, 224 College St.—Replace HVAC units on side of house
6-24-2010 William Mitchell, 214 Gilliam St.—Demolish old deteriorated metal shed in back of house and replace it with a new wood structure which will be white to match color of existing house trim; Replace existing roof, adjoining woodwork and paint windows; add a portico, columns and rails for front of house; add dormers to front and back of house
6-24-2010 Gary & Cathleen Weaver, 221 Gilliam St.—Repair to one front porch wood member; remove metal roof on front porch and replace with 16 oz. copper, flat locked and soldered pans; remove deteriorated metal roof on widows walk and replace with same copper as above; remove deteriorated metal roof at bay window (driveway side) and replace with same 16 oz. copper, flat locked and soldered pans also; reflash 3 chimneys with copper on right side of roof and 2 chimneys on back side of house with copper; re-flash valleys and 3 through the roof plumbing vents using copper on all repairs; remove section of asphalt shingles on back side of house and replace with 11 x 8.5 Ludowice Flat green Tile with Chicago Imperial markings that match the rest of the roof original to the house; remove 4 original wood windows on High St. side, have them redone to original condition and reinstalled; scrape and paint driveway side of house white to match existing color
8-26-2010 Martha & Marshall Tanner, 209 College St.—Install 4’ wrought iron fence, a stone walkway and patio in the rear yard
8-26-2010 Manie Currin, 203 Main St.—Extended application for former COA
10-28-2010 Susan & David Wicker, 404 College St.—Construction of new 12’ x 16’ structure to be used for storage
10-28-2010 Dr. Myra Mabry, 414 College St.—Repaint exterior of house, replace roof on single story rear of house; replace 11” front porch header; replace 30% of front porch floor; install AC unit
10-28-2010 George E., Jr. & Pam J. Dalton, 214 Main St.—Add gravel driveway to backyard, new landscaping front yard, picket fence to front yard, sign to advertise B & B; enclosure of back deck
10-28-2010 (Minor Works) Elizabeth W. Watts, 215 Gilliam St.—Replace some side and rear windows on house
10-28-2010 John & Debbie Smith, 224 College St.—Repair/replace eves and fascia; restore mortar; restore columns and half-columns from front porch and restore railings and columns above porch
12-7-2010 Richard H. Thornton Library, 210 Main St.—7’ sign approved; lighting in the parking lot
2-18-2010 Ms. Jean Jones—Repair of crumbling chimney
2-18-2010 Ms. LaVerne Pope, 213 College ST.—Trellis added to front of double garage doors, all wood, painted white
4-15-2010 Dawn & Clarence Lemons, 304 Main St.—Enclose existing pergola on back of house and make screen porch with roof
4-15-2010 Jaye & Rebecca Williamson, 513 College St.—Replace storage shed damaged by fallen tree with wooden one to be painted to match the house; old brick from damaged shed to be used as foundation for new shed
5-4-2010 Robert and Elizabeth Williams, 208 Gilliam St.—Hardiplank allowed on rear of house, but not on front of house
6-24-2010 Kim Rackley Booth (Marion Falding-Property Owner), 100 E. Front St.—Install 6’ privacy fence around backyard with 1” x 6” x 6’ wooden dog eared style boards
6-24-2010 John and Debbie Smith, 224 College St.—Replace HVAC units on side of house
6-24-2010 William Mitchell, 214 Gilliam St.—Demolish old deteriorated metal shed in back of house and replace it with a new wood structure which will be white to match color of existing house trim; Replace existing roof, adjoining woodwork and paint windows; add a portico, columns and rails for front of house; add dormers to front and back of house
6-24-2010 Gary & Cathleen Weaver, 221 Gilliam St.—Repair to one front porch wood member; remove metal roof on front porch and replace with 16 oz. copper, flat locked and soldered pans; remove deteriorated metal roof on widows walk and replace with same copper as above; remove deteriorated metal roof at bay window (driveway side) and replace with same 16 oz. copper, flat locked and soldered pans also; reflash 3 chimneys with copper on right side of roof and 2 chimneys on back side of house with copper; re-flash valleys and 3 through the roof plumbing vents using copper on all repairs; remove section of asphalt shingles on back side of house and replace with 11 x 8.5 Ludowice Flat green Tile with Chicago Imperial markings that match the rest of the roof original to the house; remove 4 original wood windows on High St. side, have them redone to original condition and reinstalled; scrape and paint driveway side of house white to match existing color
8-26-2010 Martha & Marshall Tanner, 209 College St.—Install 4’ wrought iron fence, a stone walkway and patio in the rear yard
8-26-2010 Manie Currin, 203 Main St.—Extended application for former COA
10-28-2010 Susan & David Wicker, 404 College St.—Construction of new 12’ x 16’ structure to be used for storage
10-28-2010 Dr. Myra Mabry, 414 College St.—Repaint exterior of house, replace roof on single story rear of house; replace 11” front porch header; replace 30% of front porch floor; install AC unit
10-28-2010 George E., Jr. & Pam J. Dalton, 214 Main St.—Add gravel driveway to backyard, new landscaping front yard, picket fence to front yard, sign to advertise B & B; enclosure of back deck
10-28-2010 (Minor Works) Elizabeth W. Watts, 215 Gilliam St.—Replace some side and rear windows on house
10-28-2010 John & Debbie Smith, 224 College St.—Repair/replace eves and fascia; restore mortar; restore columns and half-columns from front porch and restore railings and columns above porch
12-7-2010 Richard H. Thornton Library, 210 Main St.—7’ sign approved; lighting in the parking lot